TovaForm seeks to guide consumers away from prioritizing money and self-interest, encouraging them instead to lead fulfilling lives with products that genuinely serve their needs. More than just a design firm, TovaForm is built upon a timeless design philosophy aimed at creating a flourishing world.
Good, tovah, design is selfless: it prioritizes users' needs, serves people with integrity, and is accessible, inclusive, and financially considerate. Such design fosters innovation and excellence in service to God and His command to love our neighbours. It responsibly stewards the earth, conveys meaningful symbolism, and builds emotional connections. Moreover, good design unites people, removes barriers, and emphasizes practicality and usability.
This enduring design philosophy is rooted in the belief that good design is objective, based on the truth that God is real and He called His creation good. As the ultimate Creator, God exemplifies good design; and just as God is unchanging, so are His commands, which form the foundation of this philosophy and business.